Working From Home Tips From A Freelancer

Working From Home Tips From A Freelancer

I’ve been freelancing on and off for over 3 years now, and a large amount of this has been in a home workplace setting. It started off really tough and I found it difficult to strike that balance between “home life” and “work life”. I have since learned a few ways to make WFH more efficient and enjoyable. Do any...

5 Must-Have Features of a Modern Website Design

5 Must-Have Features of a Modern Website Design

We have come a long way since the early 2000s, but even in the last few years A LOT has changed. So if you haven’t looked at the design of your website recently, or it’s not creating the momentum you thought it would, read on to see a few changes that will make all the difference. Positioning yourself online has...

Why I Choose WordPress To Build My Clients’ Websites

Why I Choose WordPress To Build My Clients’ Websites

WordPress was released in 2003 and since then has become the world’s most used CMS (content management system, or “website builder”). As a website designer with basic coding knowledge, WordPress is the perfect tool for my website creation process. Top of the list of importance when I’m making a website is visual design and usability. So I need to use...

8 Eye-Catching Logo Designs from 2018/19

8 Eye-Catching Logo Designs from 2018/19

Having recently been commissioned a number of branding projects, I have found myself taking a breather from web-based work and happily re-entering the world of logo design. Spending a little time finding inspiration is important for any designer, so here are a few eye-catching logo designs from 2018/19. They range from iconic wordmarks to fluid multicontextual brand designs. Enjoy! 1...

New Years Resolutions of a Freelance Graphic Designer 2019

New Years Resolutions of a Freelance Graphic Designer 2019

For many people, New Year’s resolutions are a matter of willpower – eating and drinking less, going to the gym more often, saving money. And by their very nature, they’re unlikely to last beyond a couple of weeks in January. But the change to a new calendar means something different to me going into my second year as a freelance...