Author: Mia

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The Brocklebank Partnership

The Brocklebank Partnership

The Brocklebank Partnership are experience hotel and hospitality consultants. They needed a personalised portfolio-style website to showcase their services. We worked together to develop an illustration style that suited their vision, and a professional website style to compliment their expertise.

West Kootenay EcoSociety

West Kootenay EcoSociety

West Kootenay EcoSociety is a non-profit community-driven organisation that brings together local residents to protect the natural environment in the West Kootenay region and beyond. An organisation with a cause close to my heart, I have worked on a variety of projects with them, including a complete website redesign and development, logo design and merchandise.

Cantina del Centro

Cantina del Centro

Cantina del Centro is a popular bar and restaurant offering authentic and unique Mexican street food. Working with Simon de la Salle web consultancy, we completed the design and build-out of a new website in WordPress.

Query Communications

Query Communications

Query Communications is a communications consultant for associations, not-for-profits, and small enterprises. Working one-to-one with the client, I created a branding package including iconography, stationery and a postcard sendout. The logo, based on a “Q” symbol, hints at both a speech balloon and a question mark to resonate with the company name.

Working From Home Tips From A Freelancer

Working From Home Tips From A Freelancer

I’ve been freelancing on and off for over 3 years now, and a large amount of this has been in a home workplace setting. It started off really tough and I found it difficult to strike that balance between “home life” and “work life”. I have since learned a few ways to make WFH more...

5 Must-Have Features of a Modern Website Design

5 Must-Have Features of a Modern Website Design

We have come a long way since the early 2000s, but even in the last few years A LOT has changed. So if you haven’t looked at the design of your website recently, or it’s not creating the momentum you thought it would, read on to see a few changes that will make all the...

Why I Choose WordPress To Build My Clients’ Websites

Why I Choose WordPress To Build My Clients’ Websites

WordPress was released in 2003 and since then has become the world’s most used CMS (content management system, or “website builder”). As a website designer with basic coding knowledge, WordPress is the perfect tool for my website creation process. Top of the list of importance when I’m making a website is visual design and usability....

8 Eye-Catching Logo Designs from 2018/19

8 Eye-Catching Logo Designs from 2018/19

Having recently been commissioned a number of branding projects, I have found myself taking a breather from web-based work and happily re-entering the world of logo design. Spending a little time finding inspiration is important for any designer, so here are a few eye-catching logo designs from 2018/19. They range from iconic wordmarks to fluid...

New Years Resolutions of a Freelance Graphic Designer 2019

New Years Resolutions of a Freelance Graphic Designer 2019

For many people, New Year’s resolutions are a matter of willpower – eating and drinking less, going to the gym more often, saving money. And by their very nature, they’re unlikely to last beyond a couple of weeks in January. But the change to a new calendar means something different to me going into my...

Music Compilation for Freelancers and Headphone Listeners

Music Compilation for Freelancers and Headphone Listeners

I know this isn’t exactly design related but as a freelancer, I spend a lot of time on my own working on various projects. It’s important for me to have some nice beats to keep me motivated and focussed. If you’re in the same boat as me, here’s a list of the music I’ve been...